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Graphene, Two-Dimensional Materials, and Topological Insulator


讲座论坛 期数
主题 演讲者 王康隆 教授
时间 2017年4月12日(周三) 15:00 机构 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
地点 物理楼117

讲座人姓名:Kang L. Wang(王康隆)教授

Dr. Wang is currently Distinguished Professor and the Raytheon Chair Professor in Physical Science and Electronics in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he is affiliated with the Departments of EE, MSE and Physics. He is a Member of Academia Sinica and the Fellow of IEEE. He received his Ph.D. from MIT and was a Guggenheim Fellow. He also served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TNANO, Editor of Artech House, and Associate Editor for Science Advances. His research areas include nanoscale physics and materials; molecular beam epitaxy; topological insulators; spintronics, nonvolatile electronics and low dissipation devices; neurodynamics and neurotronics.

讲座题目:Graphene, Two-Dimensional Materials, and Topological Insulator


This lecture will describe and discuss some of the recent work in graphene, 2-D materials and topological insulator for electronics applications, including flexible wearable electronics, low-power electronics, biomedical integrated sensors and energy efficient devices.


